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The Beginning

Busking bus started when three friends all realized they each separately had come up with the same dream. To build a mobile theater company that would perform at food truck roundups. They flew across the country to new Jersey to pick up a bus and brought it home. Landon learned structural engineering software designed a stage that would fold into the bus and they got building.

There first shows where in 2021 where the performed all over northern UT. In 2022 they doubled there number of performances when the Downtown Alliance hired them to be a part of open streets. As a result of that project, they were seen by thousands of people.

The Mission

People need community - as humans we need to sit with one another and share space. Individuals feel the realness of the pavement and dissolve their individuality into wonderful otherness. We strive to stitch a bit of other into people, to knit people together through engaging art. this is only possible buy hiring quality performers who have  unique engaging skills. that's why our second mission is pay performers what they are worth.

What's New

They continue to gain popularity as more and more cities are reaching out to hire them. In 2023 they are opening a new chapter as they start to work with the 9th west market in Glendale. As west side residents the founders are exited to bring more art to the west side.

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